And that’s a wrap! We thank all the participants, all affiliates, guests for the good discussions and participating in our Congress. We thank everyone who was involved in the preparationContinue reading “That’s a wrap!”
Category Archives: News
EFBWW approves resolution to call for actions for a fair and efficient internal market
On the last day of the 14th EFBWW General Assembly, the participants approved a resolution on internal market, to mark its 30th anniversary. Considering that there is not much toContinue reading “EFBWW approves resolution to call for actions for a fair and efficient internal market”
New strategic plan adopted
The Strategic Plan will define the priority areas for the coming period 2024-2028, and it is built around two red threads: the need for social progress and for a justContinue reading “New strategic plan adopted”
Twin transition: developing a trade union narrative and strategy
The Green Deal will have a major impact on the construction, woodworking and forestry sectors. Hence, it will also have a great impact on workers and working conditions. The panelContinue reading “Twin transition: developing a trade union narrative and strategy”
30 years of Internal Market: Proposals towards a fair Internal Market without exploitation, social dumping and labour crime
On the second day of the General Assembly, participants had the opportunity to discuss and take stock of the 30 Years Internal Market. The starting point of the discussion wasContinue reading “30 years of Internal Market: Proposals towards a fair Internal Market without exploitation, social dumping and labour crime”
Johan Lindholm and Tom Deleu re-elected as EFBWW President and General Secretary
The EFBWW General Assembly elected its new leadership for the 2024-2028 period. Johan Lindholm (Byggnads, Sweden) was re-elected as EFBWW president and Tom Deleu (Belgium) as General Secretary. Brahim Hilami (FGTB La Centrale GénéraleContinue reading “Johan Lindholm and Tom Deleu re-elected as EFBWW President and General Secretary”
EFBWW 5 main achievements – Activity Report 2020-2023
The second day of Congress began with the celebration of EFBWW’s main achievement during the last four years. In the last four years, unexpected developments affected Europe and the world:Continue reading “EFBWW 5 main achievements – Activity Report 2020-2023”
EFBWW new image
Build, fight, win together: 14th EFBWW Congress opens in Helsinki
The EFBWW Congress has just kicked off. 300 participants representing the voices of 77 trade unions and 36 countries. The 14th EFBWW Congress comes at a time of big challengesContinue reading “Build, fight, win together: 14th EFBWW Congress opens in Helsinki”
Communication as tool to support lobby-work
The third side event of the day was dedicated to communication and campaigning as a way of supporting lobby-work for worker friendly policies. The event started with an update onContinue reading “Communication as tool to support lobby-work”