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Communication as tool to support lobby-work

The third side event of the day was dedicated to communication and campaigning as a way of supporting lobby-work for worker friendly policies.

The event started with an update on the EFBWW subcontracting campaign, looking at its future development linked to the EU elections. We also evaluated the past, through an independent analysis of the first phase of the campaign, disclosed between March and June 2023.

During the first phase, the focus was on increasing pressure and awareness among the European legislators to the need for (legislative) action in this domain, showing the link between abusive subcontracting and the increase of social dumping and labour crime, and presenting the EFBWW demands.

An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned was presented by the independent Communications Consultant, Barbara Mendes-Jorge. During the panel discussion, the participants discussed their engagement in EFBWW’s campaign.

Participants then gave examples of how communication and campaigning can be used as a tool to support lobby-work. The EFBWW and its affiliates discussed new ways to increase their involvement in each other’s campaigns and the importance of international solidarity to support our demands and campaigns.