On the first day of the Congress the EFBWW dedicated a solidarity moment to Ukraine. It has highlighted the important role of the European Union and its member states in the sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine. In order to achieve this, the EFBWW encouraged the concerned stakeholders and authorities to put in place an adequate framework aiming at combating corruption, promoting quality jobs, developing skills and training, promoting collective bargaining agreements implementing adequate occupational health and safety provisions and facilitating cooperation between social partners in Ukraine.
Vasyl Andreyev, President of PROFBUD, took part in the event together with EFBWW’s General Secretary Tom Deleu. They all underlined that there is no reconstruction of Ukraine without workers. They cannot be left behind. Workers’ health and safety must be ensured, strict limits on the exposure to asbestos must be imposed and respected. That is the only way to stop an asbestos pandemic that is already threatening everyone. Direct jobs, quality jobs, and collective bargaining agreements must be the rule. Proper training must be given to workers.
Finally, participants held a minute of silence to show their support for Ukrainian people.